Saturday, October 9, 2021

Normally Closed Momentary Micro Switch

I have been working on two pirate treasure chests for someone since the end of August. I bought two domed balsa wood boxes and spray painted them with metallic gold paint. (I also accidentally sprayed myself in the face with metallic gold paint but not real bad). I added mailbox style letters for the name. I added gold handles to the sides so the boxes can be easily carried. I added a doohickey to the front so I can put a padlock on it. I lined the bottom of one box with metallic silver duct tape and the other box with bright pink duct tape. I used mod podge to line the domed inside of one box with silver paper and the other box with pink and purple fabric with ballerinas. I spray painted a bunch of rocks and pine cones with the metallic gold paint. I also drilled a half inch hole in a 3 inch hunk of drift wood and stuck a roundish rock in the hole and spray painted it gold so it sort of looks like a bird. I bought bright shiny beads at the thrift store. A pirate treasure chest needs jewelry. I had a collection of coins from other countries that accumulated over time. I soaked those coins in dish soap and scrubbed them with baking soda and a tooth brush so clean them up a little bit. My last improvement was to use a micro switch, a normally closed momentary micro switch so that the treasure chest will glow when opened. It is not easy to find a normally closed momentary micro switch. I went to 8 stores looking for it. I would have thought for sure an appliance store that fixes refrigerators would have it because every refrigerator has one. Finally I got another lead and I decided to call them first and they had it. Success!  If you need a normally closed momentary micro switch, go to Dey Brothers which is near the Duluth airport. I got the idea from a website called Instructables. However, what took him 3 minutes on the Instructables video to wire up the switch took me all afternoon. I like the way it looks though.  


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